Thursday, January 28, 2010
YAY!!! This is my final blog post for the blog assignment. I am finally done…sooooo damn happy. Hav a gd time reading it. Here it goes…

Today after finishing my homework, I was bored and decided to go to the soccer court which is a stone’s throw away from my house to play soccer. I always do that whenever I am free or bored. I have had a passion for soccer since Primary one, despite of the fact that I did not join soccer as my co-curriculum activity. Playing soccer has served as a good way for relieving stress, especially when the workload is increased in Secondary two. I feel that the burden decreases the more I kick the ball and my body becoming lighter.

When I reached the court, I did some warm-up exercises so as to prevent muscle aches. Then, I began taking shots at goal. Also, I play soccer with my buddies in school too. After a while, I began practicing some tricks they taught me too. I did some footwork and freestyle before proceeding to try out the free-kick techniques I learnt from the internet. After many tries, I managed to master the skill. I felt a great sense of satisfaction.

Actually, spending time doing something you enjoy is really fun. As I am doing it(playing soccer), I recall the times when I scored goals and also the times when I played with my friends in primary school.

One hour later, I stopped, feeling exhausted. Then, I went home happily.

You hav come to the end of my last post for the assignment. I promise I will continue to post more. Special thks to those that hav visited my blog or hav helped me in creating it. Thk you and NIL SINE LABORE :D
~nicholas, 9:31 PM
Hi everyone, here’s my 4th post for the blog assignment :DDD FINALLY!!!!!!! Haha I’m going crazyyyy. Anyway enjoy reading.

During the December holidays, my family and I went to Taiwan for holiday. I have watched shows on Taiwan and have certainly longed to go there!! I was filled with excitement.

On the day of departure, we took a ten o’clock flight. Four hours later, we arrived at the Taoyuan international airport. From there, we took a twenty minute bus ride to the bullet train station. Then we spent another twenty minutes on the train before reaching Taipei. Our first stop was to shop at Xi men ding, one of Taiwan’s most famous shopping area. It was thronged with lots of people and there were many shops there. It certainly lived up to its name of being a famous shopping area. I ended up leaving there with a pair of ‘converse’ sneakers. Furthermore, at the night market which we proceeded to next, I met a Victorian there! What a small world it is!

On the sixth day, we went to nine tribes cultural village theme park. It was my most memorable experience. The first thing that caught my eye on the map was ‘maya adventure’, an outdoor roller coaster ride. Thus my parents and I decided to go to that station first. I saw the ride and found out that it would turn three hundred and sixty degrees. I was exhilarated yet apprehensive. After moments of hesitation, I mustered my courage and decided to give it a try. My parents waited for me below while I climbed a flight of stairs to get to the station. Moments later, the ride had started. It went slow at first while going up a slope, then plummeted at full speed. Screams came from all directions. I opened my eyes at first but closed it later as I thought it would be better that way. Then it came to the part where the roller coaster would turn three hundred and sixty degrees, opposing four point five gravitational force. I felt my whole body turning and let out a scream that could wake the dead from their graves. Before I knew it, the ride was over. I certainly will never forget the thrilling ride.
~nicholas, 7:55 PM
Aha! Here is my third post for the blog assignment. Still no pics haha so……just wait in anticipation!

Today was one of the worst days I have ever been through. I will tell you what happened….

“Ring…!” the recess bell went. Most importantly, it signaled the end of a monotonous literature lesson. Frankly, I fell asleep and was reprimanded by the teacher. The class laughed and infuriated, the teacher silenced them. However I was still made a laughing stock. Anyway, as the teacher dismissed the class for recess, my buddies and I immediately took the class soccer ball and ran to the field as fast as our legs could carry us. However, as I was running down the stairs when I missed a step and fell. I cursed and swore in agony. I had sprained my ankle and had to skip soccer.

Furthermore, the fact that it was Thursday meant I had to do ‘seven heaven’): It was fitness training that was required for those in floorball. It had a nice name but almost everyone hated it. We had to run up to the highest level of our school(seventh floor), run across the building then run down to the first floor again. This is considered one set and we had to do ten sets and during intervals of the running, we had to do exercises like sit-ups, pull-ups, crunches, push-ups and many others. I felt my leg was DYING after doing ‘seven heaven”. You must be wondering why I still did ‘seven heaven’. The reason is because my coach is well-known for his sarcastic remarks(if you are in VS you will know who I am referring to) and he would think that a sprained ankle is just an excuse. Luckily, my foot was not badly injured when I reached home. I hope that it recovers soon!!! It is time for me to get some rest now. Goodbye(:
~nicholas, 5:09 PM
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Hi all, here is my official 2nd post for the blog assignment…sadly I didn’t post any pic for this entry but I’ll try to get one for the next post. Haha anyway pls leave your comments on my post. Thks.
It was just another ordinary day in the December holidays with perhaps, if you like, an unordinary floorball friendly match against Meridian Junior College(MJC) That is right, it is MJC and the thought of the name just give me the shivers. You must be thinking if my coach was crazy to arrange a friendly match with MJC when our ages were between fourteen and fifteen. However, the coach wanted us to play against the more competitive opponents to raise our standards. Despite of my fears, I was excited as some of us will be playing against girls. Haha! Nothing could hide my enthusiasm towards that match although the coach had not decided who would be playing against the girls.

First up would be the men’s match. I was part of the line and thought that there would be no hope in me playing against the girls. Looking back at the match, all I can say is that it was a tight one but we emerged victorious, defeating them with a score of 17-11.
Next, ‘it was the battle of the sexes’ match. I was a little disappointed that I would miss it, however, to my astonishment, the coach asked me to play in the match. My eyes brightened up at once. Furthermore, I scored a goal and made an assist within one minute of the game. YAY!(: Now try beating that record man!Ha Ha!.... enough boasting. That is all for now. Byes~
~nicholas, 9:10 PM
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Hi all,here is my first post for the eng assignment.Hope you like it!


Some people regard them as friends,while others look upon the as enemies.Depending on your character,you either like them or hate them.Nevertheless,they are part and parcel of our lives and they never seem to escape from our sight for even a split second.Some people work hard and have succeeded in overcoming them while some have failed.To me,life is very much meaningless without them because they help us 'grow' physically and mentally.Having heard what I have said,you may have guessed what 'they' refer to...and the answer is none other than OBSTACLES!

I still remember vividly when I first joined floorball(my CCA).I was new to floorball(I did not even know that the sport existed until I joined it)and probably did not know more than half of the rules of the game.It was just one month after tranings started when the coach recruited me into the school-team!!I was filled with excitement yet I had my fears.It was the first time representing the school but I was worried that I could not cope with the standard of the team.The fact that the team were champions last year made things worse.The tournament was just one month away and we had to trained on Saturdays.I always felt butterflies in my stomach whenever it came to trainings.I was very pressurized as everyone I faced was highly-skilled.During training,most of my passes went astray and I could not even control the ball properly.I had a feeling that I was despised and was demoralised.

However,the coach's encouragement kept me going.I told myself I could not disappoint him.I wanted to prove to everyone that the coach's decision to put me in the the school team was right.I was determined to make the team believe in my abilities.Thus,I trained myself when I had the time.Soon,I felt that I had improved in my play.Even the team praised me for my efforts.At that moment,I knew I had done it.I had overcomed the odds and also my fears.I had succeeded in winning the team's trust.Later, I even went on to score two goals in the tournament.What an experience for me!
~nicholas, 11:12 AM
Friday, January 22, 2010
Note: CHELSEA and LIVERPOOL fans are strictly not allowed to enter this blog hahahahaha.2G-ians are the only exceptions......Glory Glory Man United(:
~nicholas, 3:36 PM
Thks for visiting my blog(:
~nicholas, 3:15 PM
Dun drink and drive. Drive safe. Take care dun take away. Stay stunned!!!
~nicholas, 3:13 PM
Hi to all,I am Nicholas Low Jia Jun,currently studying in Victoria School.I love soccer and floorball.Welcome to the world of a MUFC fanatic(: